Saturday, June 9, 2007

30's compared to the 20's-Decades of my life

I never thought I would say this but I am enjoying this point in my life. The way I see and do things have definitely slowed down significantly. I feel like someone handed me a good pair of reading glasses and now I can actually see things in front of me. Looking back my 20's seemed like such a blur. I know they were fun that is all (ha-ha).

There is a comfort knowing that at this age it seems like my life has just begun. The friends that you thought were friends are not around but the ones that are stick around for important moments in your life. In my 20's the night flew by so fast that I did not have enough time to appreciate conversations or moments. The next day I was too tired to remember. Oh well, the next day do it all over again. Now a get together with a friend is golden and time seems to be gradual.

I know that I am a sensitive soul but now I feel that it's been turned up a few notches. My younger years were so feisty and and anti so many things.

I am more appreciative of what I have then of what I do not. I was pursuing love in my 20's and I was lucky enough to find it. Out of that love 2 beautiful children came. I feel more beautiful then ever because I am now comfortable in the skin that I was given. This is me, this is really me. It's all good. Besides 30 is the new 20 and women are taking better care of themselves nowadays.

I think black and white, the way I see it is you either get better as you grow older and you age like a fine wine or you get worse like an opened bottle of soda. You lose your fizz. I am opting for the fine wine. Cheers to a great life!!


ana fallon said...

Well said and it only gets better!

Ciaran said...
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Ciaran said...

As Picaso said "Youth has no age"
I think you just get more beautiful that possible?..BTW life in the 40's is pretty good too..ever since..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :)